Looking for Easy and Practical Organization Tips? Look at These!

Having an organized home is something that most people want but they don’t have a lot of time or money to put into it. In order to help you out we found this article with some easy and practical organization tips. We hope it helps!

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From the article:

Quickly throw together these cheap magnetic jars to hold all the tiny things in your bathroom.
Or for the spices in your kitchen.

Unsubscribe from all the email lists that you don???t need.
Try Unroll.me, an app that will help you unsubscribe from everything then put all your other subscriptions into one single email.

Sort your medicine cabinet by type of medicine.
Use dollar-store bins to keep it cheap ??? because no one wants to have to dig for a bandage after someone gets cut!

Looking for more storage solutions? Checkout this article about storage solutions that could be of interest to you.

Read the entire article here: http://www.buzzfeed.com/nataliebrown/keep-on-organizing

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