Looking for Home Maintenance Tips This Summer? Look no Further!

It’s important to maintain your home during all seasons so when we found this article we thought it was important to share with you. It was released by Southern Living and Allstate. We hope it helps you maintain your home this summer!

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From the article:

Home Maintenance Tips for Summer
Summer brings sunshine, green leaves, and trips to the beach. But the warm, dry season also offers the perfect chance to get some work done around the house. With just a few weekends’ worth of work, these tips can help get your home in tip-top shape and ready for the rest of the year.

Easy Home Fixes in the Summer
When it gets warm, it’s tempting to ditch any housework for the beach or the golf course. Hard as it may be, consider suppressing that urge for a few weekends, because some fairly easy work can improve the state of your home, give it an appearance makeover, and even save you some money.

Keep Your Cool With a Fan
There’s an easy trick to keeping cooler and saving money, and it’s as close as your ceiling fan. Switch the ceiling fan’s blades so the leading edge is higher as the fan turns, so you can feel the breeze from the fan as it rotates. This simple action will push cool air down, enabling you to set the air-conditioning lower and save money on energy.

Clean Your Dryer Vent
Without some maintenance, your dryer could cause a house fire. The U.S. Fire Administration reports nearly 16,000 dryer fires occur annually, which happen largely because dryers’ vents get clogged with lint and dust.

Thankfully, you can avoid any unnecessary dryer-caused danger with a few simple steps.
First, (if your dryer is on an outside wall with a short hose) you’ll need a vent-cleaning brush kit, which can clean your dryer vent tubing more thoroughly than a vacuum cleaner can. Begin by cleaning the dryer’s lint trap housing with a smaller brush to remove as much lint and dust as possible. Then disconnect the dryer duct from the dryer and the wall for a thorough cleaning. Also use a brush to clean the vent on the outside of the house to keep both ends clean and free of lint.

Still have questions about caring for your dryer? Checkout this article about troubleshooting your dryer for homeowners that could be of interest to you.

For more information visit: http://www.allstate.com